Digital Media and Design & CMAP 1685-P1

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Screenplay Assignment CHECKPOINT  in Google Classroom

Screenplay Assignment CHECKPOINT

Write your 4 page script here. This will be for a CHECKPOINT grade. 
The Title Page does NOT count toward your 4 pages.


Screenplay Storyboard and Visual Elements  in Google Classroom

Screenplay Storyboard and Visual Elements

Create a 9-slide minimum storyboard designed on (Canva) or drawn on paper and scanned

Create a mood board and color palette for your script

Using Canva design 3 shots of your short film to share in your pitch


Screenplay Final Pitch  in Google Classroom

Screenplay Final Pitch

Pitch: Craft a 150 word “elevator” pitch of your screenplay that includes your logline. How would you sell your story if someone asked about it, and you only had 60-120 seconds?