ENGL 1010/1020-P3

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Poetry Analysis TPCASTT - Checkpoint (RL.1, 2, W.1) in Google Classroom

Poetry Analysis TPCASTT - Checkpoint (RL.1, 2, W.1)

Poetry Analysis TPCASTT - Checkpoint (RL.1, 2, W.1) - WILEY, ENGL 1020

DIRECTIONS: Write an essay response using the essay prompt below. Your essay response should be in MLA format, should be roughly 2 pages in length, should utilize evidence from the text, and also demonstrate careful analysis of the text referring to the poem’s language and techniques.  Your response will be worth 30 points.  15 points will be awarded for outstanding analysis of the text and answering the prompt.  This analysis should demonstrate both a knowledge of the text and a high level of critical thinking regarding the question.  5 points will be awarded for conforming to MLA format rules and length of the responses.  10 points will be awarded for appropriate evidence, voice, and convincing logic in the response.  Your response will be worth a total of 30 points (CP).

Essays will be due on a Google CR assignment on Friday 3/15 by the end of the day. Plagiarism and A.I. checkers will be used, so please do your own work. Late work will not be accepted unless you contact your instructor IN ADVANCE.
ESSAY PROMPT:  Choose a poem to analyze from these two options: “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas or “It Is the Pain” by William Empson.  Use the TPCASTT strategy to analyze the poem.  Then, use specific references to the poem’s language and techniques, and write a well-organized essay analyzing your chosen theme of the poem.